The ultimate data platform based on artificial intelligence

DNA is one of the leading Finnish telecommunications groups, offering diverse services to consumers and companies. Together with DNA, we built a new platform to help them serve their customers in a revolutionary way.

The ultimate data platform based on artificial intelligence

The Ultimate Data Platform is a high tech analytics solution that utilizes artificial intelligence and serves DNA’s customers and the development of the customer experience. It enables DNA’s customers to have a genuinely consistent, personalised experience in all channels. It also offers business tools for better management, from network design to marketing and customer service. In addition, the Ultimate Data Platform enables operational marketing measures that are as many as 300 times faster than before.


  • 2 X faster decision making and planning
  • 3 X higher conversion figures for marketing efforts
  • 200 % increase in sales generated by artificial intelligence

Top-class artificial intelligence for predicting and anticipating customers’ needs

The Ultimate Data Platform enabled the transformation from separate data silos and analytics projects to a consistent data platform and offers tools for improving the customer experience and real-time support for business operations.

Data is the essence of developing customer experience

DNA aims to be the best provider of telecommunications services with the most satisfied customers in Finland. DNA’s development of digital services is guided by the company’s strategic principles:

  • Development is guided by a culture of experimentation, and is based on customers’ needs.
  • DNA makes use of open programming interfaces that facilitate innovation and offer the company opportunities to introduce new products and services more quickly than before.
  • To be able to respond to customers’ needs and increased expectations, DNA must be able to convert data into customer and business insight, automated next best actions and service innovations.
  • Traditional data projects typically involve only one organisational function: the finance, marketing, customer service or sales department. DNA realised the potential of cross-sectoral data and analytics. Data is the only element of customer insight and service experiences that expands across all channels and meeting points.

Better customer service through customer insight

The mission was to develop excellent data-based solutions that make use of analytics so well that customers can be served better in all interaction situations. The aim was to use analytics to provide the management with day-to-day tools that enable them to make better strategic decisions.

All customers in one place

The project resulted in a consistent data platform. All of the channels are integrated into the platform, and everything is centred on the customer, as opposed to just one channel and only some of the customers, which was the situation at the starting point. At the same time, data management at DNA shifted from a support function to an operational function where data is continuously used in decision-making and measures that are visible to customers on a daily basis. This makes it possible to automate personalised, context-aware, real-time campaigns. These features have significantly improved response and conversion rates in campaigns. All measures can be analysed numerically.

Real-time analytics integrated into daily decision-making

Simultaneously with the platform development project, an extensive change management programme was started to integrate new data capabilities into day-to-day business operations. The goal was for everything to be worth the time spent on analysis and so easy that the tools would be put into use without the need for specific implementation projects. Automated marketing has been made so easy that managers can implement solutions according to need. DNA has taken management by data to a level that only a few Finnish organisations have reached.

Consistent service experience for the customer

For the customers, the data platform is visible in all digital services. The goal is for DNA to always be aware of what is being done in each channel and how the customer is interacting with DNA in these channels. All interaction can be measured in terms of increased sales, improved conversion, reduced customer churn and ROI in marketing.


  • A better understanding of customer behaviour

  • Reduced customer churn, increased cross-sales and increased use of services and products

  • Real-time analytics: artificial intelligence is used to manage each customer event in all interaction channels

  • Processing of natural language to detect discussions about and themes related to DNA on the Internet

  • A consistent service offering in all channels, personalised by the means of artificial intelligence