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Azure-based integration solution enables new service for Synoptik

We implemented application management for Synoptik’s applications and integration to their Point-of-Sale (POS) system 

Commentor, a Solita company, implemented Azure-based integration solution enabling new services for Synoptik

Integration solution for a new eyewear subscription programme

Synoptik is well known as one of Scandinavia’s largest optician and eyewear retail chains, and it is a current market leader in Denmark. In 2019, the chain launched an eyewear subscription service for its customers, initially via the chain’s stores in Sweden.

This service required an overhaul of their internal systems. Synoptik’s legacy systems were integrated with a standard solution that could integrate data based on several set criteria from the company’s POS system to its payment system.

Solitas’s speed in delivery was a crucial prerequisite for Synoptik, with focus on time-to-market with an MVP solution.

An Application Management Service (AMS) was added to the service agreement for optimal application and operation of the Synoptik App. 

Supporting digital transformation

The technology choice for the solution was largely about meeting Synoptik’s digitalisation strategy. For this, we recommended an Azure-based solution that helps enable Synoptik’s gradual digital transformation by breaking down data silos. Working across legacy systems and new standard systems became easier through serverless services.

How we have helped Synoptik:

  • AMS on the entire Synoptik App
  • Contributed to consultancy advice on the right solution
  • Integrated between Synoptik’s POS system and payment system, and implemented the solution
  • Handling of the system’s business logic with Azure Logic Apps
  • Extensive integrations to XPO applications, Synoptik’s POS and eye test system, between Iteras and Navision, to Swedish subscriptions, CreditSafe, to GrandVision, where we work with Customer 365
  • Integration of customer data, sales, and statistics from source systems to SalesForce
  • Azure Logic App, which consists of 16 services per language
  • Finalised the project for rollout within the agreed time and cost frame
  • Delivered an Azure-based solution that enables Synoptik to offer new services to customers
  • Been responsible for the overall project management with an agile approach

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  • Lise Vestergaard Senior Vice President, Sales, Solita