Country posts under Finland

  1. Case

    Terveystalo accelerates service development with Solita CloudBlox® 

    Terveystalo Terveystalo accelerates service development with Solita CloudBlox® Terveystalo, the largest private health care service provider in Finland, seeks to provide better health for people through new services and technology....

    Published: 10.01.2023

  2. Case

    Pocket Therapist supports therapy independent of place and time

    Nyanssi Terapiapalvelut Pocket Therapist supports therapy independent of place and time The Pocket Therapist app supports the therapeutic relationship and the psychotherapeutic work associated with autonomic nervous system arousal and...

    Published: 09.01.2023

  3. Case

    Solita x Ponsse

    Our clients Solita x Ponsse For years, Ponsse, a leading manufacturer of customised cut-to-length forest machines, has been working with Solita to overhaul its digital infrastructure and accelerate its transformation...

    Published: 05.01.2023

  4. Case

    Edge computing starts new era of intelligence in forest harvesting

    Ponsse Edge computing starts new era of intelligence in forest harvesting Ponsse was exploring new ways to enhance their data collection capabilities to improve the servicing and maintenance of their...

    Published: 23.12.2022

  5. Post

    People of Solita: Machine Learning Architect Jokke Ruokolainen

    People story People of Solita: Machine Learning Architect Jokke Ruokolainen Jokke Ruokolainen Machine Learning Architect, Solita Published 22 Dec 2022 Reading time 4 min Copy link Meet our People of...

    Published: 22.12.2022

  6. Post

    People of Solita: Data Consultant Tomi Rousi

    People story People of Solita: Data Consultant Tomi Rousi Tomi Rousi Data Consultant, Solita Published 12 Dec 2022 Reading time 4 min Copy link Home Insights People of Solita: Data...

    Published: 12.12.2022

  7. News

    Solita mukaan rakentamaan oppimisen uutta aikakautta – vuosisadan tärkein koulutushanke Suomessa

    Teknologia, data- ja designyhtiö Solita on valittu Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus CSC:n Digivisio 2030 -hankkeen sovelluskehityskumppaniksi. Yhteistyön myötä Solita on yhdessä suomalaisten korkeakoulujen ja opiskelijoiden kanssa rakentamassa oppimisen tulevaisuutta ja parantamassa...

    Published: 07.10.2022

  8. News

    Dataa ja demokratiaa: Solita kehittää vaalitietojärjestelmää vuoden 2027 vaaleihin

    Oikeusministeriö on valinnut teknologia-, data- ja designyhtiö Solitan yhteistyökumppaniksi kehittämään uutta vaalitietojärjestelmää, joka on tarkoitus ottaa käyttöön vuoden 2027 eduskuntavaaleissa. Suomen lähes neljää miljoonaa äänioikeutettua palvelevan järjestelmän tavoite on omalta...

    Published: 06.10.2022

  9. News

    Data and democracy: Solita is developing an electoral data system for the 2027 elections

    The Ministry of Justice in Finland has chosen the technology, data, and design company Solita as its partner in developing a new electoral data solution, which will be introduced for...

    Published: 06.10.2022

  10. Case

    Three wellbeing services counties implemented a common data pool solution – for the benefit of the taxpayer

    Istekki Three wellbeing services counties implemented a common data pool solution – for the benefit of the taxpayer The transition to wellbeing services counties is historically one of the most...

    Published: 04.10.2022