Country posts under Denmark

  1. News

    Commentor – A Solita Company best out of five bidders

    Contract won for an IT solution for reporting incidents and accidents on the Danish railways  Commentor – A Solita Company has been chosen as the preferred supplier of an IT...

    Published: 02.05.2023

  2. News

    Commentor har som bedst ud af fem tilbudsgivere vundet kontrakt på IT-løsning til at indberette hændelser på jernbaner

    Softwarevirksomheden Commentor er blevet valgt som leverandør af en IT-løsning, der bliver bygget til at understøtte jernbanevirksomhedernes og Trafikstyrelsens arbejde med at indsamle, validere og afrapportere hændelser og ulykker og...

    Published: 02.05.2023

  3. News

    Solita forlænger kontrakt med professionshøjskolerne

    Solita har fået lov til at fortsætte arbejdet med professionshøjskolerne endnu engang. “Jeg er glad og stolt over at vi i skarp konkurrence har genvundet kontrakten om vedligehold, support, azure...

    Published: 17.03.2023

  4. News

    Commentor - a Solita company has been allowed to continue working with the university colleges once again

    “I am so pleased and proud that we have won the contract for maintenance, support, Azure operation and further development of the internship portal for the university colleges in a...

    Published: 17.03.2023

  5. News

    Solita now has over 660 employee shareholders

    The technology, data, and design company Solita has successfully completed its third employee shareholder ownership round. Solita now has over 660 employee shareholders. The opportunity to invest in the company...

    Published: 28.02.2023

  6. Case

    Better use of data for the analysis and reporting of traffic information, safety and financing

    Vejdirektoratet – The Danish Road Directorate Better use of data for the analysis and reporting of traffic information, safety and financing The Danish Road Directorate is an agency under the...

    Published: 31.08.2022

  7. Case

    Maintenance and development of Sikkerhedsstyrelsen

    Sikkerhedsstyrelsen – The Danish Safety Technology Authority Maintenance and development of Sikkerhedsstyrelsen The Danish Safety Technology Authority – Sikkerhedsstyrelsen is a public authority under the Ministry of Industry, Business and...

    Published: 29.08.2022

  8. Case

    System upgrade and test platform development

    UFST – The Ministry of Taxation System upgrade and test platform development The Danish Ministry of Taxation (UFST – formerly SKAT) needed to upgrade its old Import Tax System, which...

    Published: 28.08.2022

  9. Case

    Velliv puts transparency first

    Velliv Velliv puts transparency first Velliv (formerly Nordea Liv & Pension) is a Danish customer-owned life insurance and pension company. Founded in 1919, it is 100% owned by Velliv Foreningen,...

    Published: 24.08.2022

  10. Case

    Communication portal for BUPL

    BUPL – Trade union and social security fund for pedagogues in Denmark Communication portal for BUPL BUPL is Denmark’s largest trade union for pedagogues and has over 60,000 members. BUPL...

    Published: 24.08.2022