Country posts under Finland

  1. Case

    More efficient and safe Finnish rail transport

    Fintraffic Railway More efficient and safe Finnish rail transport Fintraffic is responsible for Finland’s roads, railways and waterways, as well as the overall development of the transport system.  Together with...

    Published: 28.08.2018

  2. Case

    Agile information management energises Fortum’s waste processing

    Fortum Agile information management energises Fortum’s waste processing Fortum’s Recycling and Waste Solutions Business Unit (RWS) partnered with Solita to carry out an information management project based on the Semarchy...

    Published: 14.08.2018

  3. Case

    Overview of all road traffic in Finland available in one place

    Fintraffic Road Overview of all road traffic in Finland available in one place Fintraffic Road maintains and develops Finland’s road network. It takes care of operational traffic management in the...

    Published: 24.04.2018

  4. Case

    New Driver Guidance makes paper printouts obsolete

    Fintraffic Railway New Driver Guidance makes paper printouts obsolete Before a train leaves, the driver needs up-to-date information about timetables, train equipment, track maintenance and other exceptional conditions, for example....

    Published: 18.04.2018

  5. Case

    Harja shows where snow removal vehicles and ongoing roadworks are

    The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency Harja shows where snow removal vehicles and ongoing roadworks are The Harja system, built together with the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency, brings together all data...

    Published: 07.04.2018

  6. Case

    The ultimate data platform based on artificial intelligence

    DNA The ultimate data platform based on artificial intelligence DNA is one of the leading Finnish telecommunications groups, offering diverse services to consumers and companies. Together with DNA, we built...

    Published: 10.02.2017

  7. Case

    Renewed online service rocketed visitor numbers to a huge rise

    Atria Renewed online service rocketed visitor numbers to a huge rise We implemented the new consumer service, in which Atria’s product selection and recipes are more readily available. Atria...

    Published: 27.09.2016

  8. Case

    New online store attracts customers

    Motoral New online store attracts customers Motoral is a Finnish wholesale business with products including automotive spare parts, accessories, specialty wheel rims, car paints and drinks vending machines. Motoral wanted...

    Published: 31.08.2016

  9. Case

    Kolme hyvinvointialuetta toteuttivat yhteisen tietoallasratkaisun – veronmaksaja kiittää

    Istekki Kolme hyvinvointialuetta toteuttivat yhteisen tietoallasratkaisun – veronmaksaja kiittää Siirtyminen hyvinvointialueisiin on historiallisesti yksi Suomen suurimmista yhteiskuntamuutoksista.  Istekki, Solita ja Productivity Leap halusivat toteuttaa Pirkanmaan, Pohjois-Pohjanmaan ja Pohjois-Savon hyvinvointialueille nykyaikaista...

    Published: 20.11.2015