
Every voice matters – Prejudice is not a human right

Ossi Lindroos President and CEO, Solita

Published 27 Jun 2024

Reading time 4 min

Accepting everyone as they are is essential for people to give their best to the community— and it is the right thing to do. The diversity of our community is also necessity to build great services, a company culture of value, and, in the end, a flourishing, responsible business. 

Human rights are non-negotiable: Our commitment to equity

LGBTQIA+ rights are about human rights—everyone’s right to express themselves and love who they choose without fear of discrimination. Prejudice and discrimination are among the most common human rights violations, and at Solita, we firmly stand against them. We are committed to fostering an environment where everyone can be themselves.

Together with our people around the world, we will work to create an inclusive workplace for everyone. Alongside our vast network, we aim to create a tide of transformation for a better, less prejudiced world.

Defending the core of our values

We want everyone at Solita to feel empowered to be their authentic selves, with all their (im)perfections. Being true to yourself is a necessity—the only sustainable way. The fundamental right to be who you are is also at the heart of our values—deeply rooted in caring for our community, customers, and society, and staying courageous, passionate, and easy-going. We celebrate the diversity of our vibrant community, both during the Pride season and off it, encouraging everyone to share who they are and what they have to offer the world.

Actions speak louder than words

Words without actions are meaningless. We continue to stay committed to developing all aspects of our company, including building a workplace of more diversity, equity, and inclusion. Sharing and discussing our learnings with others on this journey is essential.

In the area of diversity and inclusion, this is what we focused on last year:

  1. Creating an inclusive discussion culture. We worked to foster a supportive environment with leadership, training sessions, and events.
  2. Supporting mental health and cognitive diversity. We have built one of the most extensive arrays of mental health services in our industry to support our people as they are.
  3. Ensuring leadership commitment. We have trained all our leaders to uphold the values of inclusivity and respect. We have also established a new leadership DEI sponsorship model to ensure ongoing commitment from our leadership team.
  4. Raising awareness of DEI issues and biases. We hold regular, systematic sessions to increase community awareness, including a company-wide session on allyship. We have educated all our employees on the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion, including allyship and psychological safety. Recognizing the biases we all have is necessary.
  5. Renewing our practices for an inclusive hiring process and employer brand. We have worked on our recruitment practices to be more equitable. This includes training people leads and recruiters and paying more attention to the language and materials used.
  6. Ensuring the inclusivity of our brand visuals and event guidelines. We implemented changes to strengthen the sense of belonging for our people, such as developing inclusive event guidelines and providing budgetary support for our Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), including our LGBTQIA+ and Solita Women FWD communities. We have also renewed our brand visuals to better reflect the beauty of our diverse community.
  7. Being more vocal about the importance of inclusion. To increase awareness, we have ramped up communications related to DEI topics both internally and externally. This includes updating our DEI calendar for social media, setting clear objectives for the area, and including DEI matters in our Sustainability reporting.

Our ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion

While we have made significant progress, there is still work to be done. We continue to work systematically in this area, with plans for several improvements:

  • Listening to understand: We will start measuring the experiences and feelings of our LGBTQIA+ community more comprehensively. A company-wide Inclusion Survey will be conducted in the fall, and it will be repeated every other year. We will also continue to monitor our people’s perceptions of DEI through Peakon.
  • Empowering our LGBTQIA+ and other communities: Ensuring a vibrant community is key to enhancing the sense of belonging. To see change at all levels of our company, we need our people. Our employee resource groups work to find the best ways to engage and unite our people with the goal of fostering a high sense of belonging and support.
  • Monitoring our eNPS: We will continue to guard our exceptionally high Employee Net Promoter Score and monitor our community’s experience also regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Renewing leadership trainings on diversity: Targeted for all leaders, our new “Leading through Biases” training will increase DEI awareness from onboarding to continuous info sessions.
  • Creating a neurodiversity checklist for leaders: To better support our neurodiverse employees.
  • Continuing our DEI working group: Serving as a sounding board for ongoing initiatives.
  • Having a leadership sponsor: This role will change annually to maintain a fresh perspective on DEI work.
  • Being vocal: Communicating internally and externally about the importance of inclusivity and the rights of minorities.
  • Unbiased recruitment: Renewing our training and guidelines to ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion in recruitment.
  • Conducting an annual salary survey: To ensure non-discriminative salary practices.
  • Celebrating Pride: We will celebrate Pride in all our countries and locations, joining the spirit of Pride with pride. We will alternate our official Pride partnership city annually. This year, we will be part of the official festivities in Stockholm.

Spread the joy of acceptance and love

Join us in celebrating Pride with pride. Together, let’s continue to build an inclusive and supportive environment for everyone at Solita and beyond.

  1. Culture