Industry posts under Mobility

  1. Case

    New framework for HSL's secure software development

    HSL – Helsinki region transport New framework for HSL’s secure software development Helsinki Region Transport (HSL) wants to develop the security of its software development with the support of Solita...

    Published: 15.01.2024

  2. Case

    Eliminating excess computation - Data warehouse optimisation creates significant savings for Fintraffic

    Fintraffic Eliminating excess computation – Data warehouse optimisation creates significant savings for Fintraffic Fintraffic is Finland’s road, rail, water and air traffic controller. Today, more and more data is generated...

    Published: 18.12.2023

  3. News

    Solita working to advance democratic transparency in Denmark

    Solita has been chosen as the technology partner for the ‘Høringsportal’, a vital regional digital platform allowing the public to access and express their opinions on draft laws and regulations...

    Published: 15.11.2023

  4. News

    Vitalt regionalt system til høringsprocesser i sikre hænder hos Solita´s udviklere

    Solita er blevet valgt som teknologipartner for ‘Høringsportalen’, en vital regional digital platform, som giver offentligheden adgang til at give deres mening til kende om udkast til love og regler,...

    Published: 15.11.2023

  5. News

    Nyt it-system skal gøre bilsyn nemmere

    Færdselsstyrelsens digitale synssystem, eSyn, er nu blevet fremtidssikret med et nyt it-system, der skal lette arbejdet for synsstederne. Det er den digitale konsulentvirksomhed Solita A/S, der står bag det nye...

    Published: 25.10.2023

  6. Case

    Navigating user experience on land, at sea, and in the air: Fintraffic Design System

    Fintraffic: Design System Navigating user experience on land, at sea, and in the air Solita has helped Fintraffic create a common foundation for the user experience of its digital services...

    Published: 13.09.2023

  7. News

    Solita strengthens its position in the mobility sector

    Solita has strengthened its foothold as an expert in the transport sector in Finland by winning several significant tenders and delivery projects this spring. The most significant new cooperation agreements...

    Published: 14.06.2023

  8. Case

    Fintraffic Railway is on a data journey towards the most advanced rail traffic in the world

    Fintraffic Railway Fintraffic Railway is on a data journey towards the most advanced rail traffic in the world In a partnership programme, Solita and Fintraffic Railway are using data and...

    Published: 28.02.2023

  9. Case

    Solita x Helsinki Public Transport

    Our clients Solita x Helsinki public transport Our journey with Helsinki’s public transport operator HSL started over 10 years ago. Since then, we’ve helped shape their digital customer experience to...

    Published: 12.01.2023

  10. Case

    Better use of data for the analysis and reporting of traffic information, safety and financing

    Vejdirektoratet – The Danish Road Directorate Better use of data for the analysis and reporting of traffic information, safety and financing The Danish Road Directorate is an agency under the...

    Published: 31.08.2022